Monday, October 7, 2013

Fajita Fest

Fajita Fest 2013

Participation: 157 Organizations 
Dates: September 2nd, 2013 
Location: Eastern Michigan University Student Center Patio as well as University Park

The annual Student Organization fair was held on the 3rd day of Fusion: First Four Orientation. We had 3 organizations with a combined total of 22 helpers to set up for Fajita Fest. This year we had 153 organizations sign up and a total of 157 participate in the opportunity to recruit. Each organization was given 1 pizza and 5 water bottles upon check in. This year for the check-in process we had 4 staff members assisting with making sure organizations had registered for the event, as well as assisting with distributing water and pizza. For future years consider possibly hiring a student organization to assist with check-in so the staff can handle organizations with paperwork to turn in or other complications. 

New this year to Fajita Fest was a photo booth and a performance circle. The photo booth proved to be very successful, but consider a different placement for the following years. A promising new portion of Fajita Fest was the performance circle. We utilized the amphitheater as a central location for performance organizations to show their stuff. A total of 3 organizations took advantage of the program, however, it was very successful and could possibly grow to large participation. 

At the closing of the event 3 different organizations had signed up to help tare down the tables and chairs. 
After the event a survey was sent out to organization contacts to give feedback about the program. Some of the feedback is below.

"Overall, a great event! Glad EMU has something like this to get student organizations 'out there'."
"It was much better and helpful to have assigned tables!"
Some constructive feedback was:
"I really liked the assigned tables but I wish that they were organized better. Like all the Greek life people in the same area etc"

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