Thursday, June 12, 2014

Day Five: Living and Leading With Integrity

Day Five: Living and Leading With Integrity

May 2nd, 2014

Learning Goal for the Day: Recognize the value of integrity in successful, effective leadership.

The biggest focus of day 5 is further discussing values and how our own personal values contribute to who we want to be and what we want to do. The day is centered around the question, "who do I want to be?" by focusing on the core values of each participant; what they are, how each participant demonstrates them and what can happen when faced with difficult choices.

The big activity for the values day is the t-shirt activity. Each participant is given a paper t-shirt and then asked to decorate the t-shirt displaying their own core values. The purpose of the activity is to show participants that just as we wear a tshirt, we should be constantly "wearing" and living our values in everything that we do. The t-shirts are then hung on a clothesline around the room to display to others in the learning community what each of the participants individually values.

The day concludes with a meaningful discussion on values and their importance in leadership as a learning community. From there, they spend the rest of the night in their individual family clusters for their last family cluster meeting time. On night five, staff put on a celebration bonfire with smores, to celebrate the students last night at the LeaderShape Institute and allow the students to further  bond with each other as a group and celebrate the friendships made.

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