Friday, July 26, 2013

Presidents Retreat Fall 2013

Presidents Retreat Fall 2013

Cost:  1,320.63
Date: July 20-21

Presidents retreat brought together the chapter presidents, or an appointed representative, for two days of teambuilding, reflection, personal development, and goal setting.  The group, with representatives from each council, (NPC, IFC, NPHC) gained skills that would help them in leading their chapters for the coming year.

Day 1 was the annual trip to the University of Michigan's Challenge Program, which focused on personal development and teambuilding.  Day 2 took place at Eaglecrest Marriott.  Presidents took part in programming around the well-known book, "Good To Great."  Using everything they learned over the weekend, and through honest conversations, they assisted each other in goal setting for their chapter and the community as a whole.


Student Organizations

Greek Life



In 2013-2014, the Greek Life, Student Organizations and Leadership POD accomplished AND learned many things.  We were able to make changes to our annual programming events by using feedback from surveys collected in past, as well as creating and implementing brand new programs altogether.  You can view each of our concentration areas in the annual report and leave any comments or feedback you'd like to share.  Thanks for visiting!
-Casey, Matthew, Eden, Jay, Jenn, and Gabby